Monday, August 23, 2010

Juvenile Delinquents- Concluding part - Making it BIG!!

Calypso- The big achievement-S!!

Still hung-over from the previous night, Calypso wished this place would just get it over and done with!! It really was a test of her patience to go thru each day. But that promotion would be totally worth it. She wondered what more she could do to get ahead just then, her boss asked her to come into his cabin.

“So, give me an update, of wats happening with u guys out there?” She contemplated over this, weighing all the pros and cons and of course the most important part, the promotion...It was not about squealing about her buddies, she thought, it’s more about making an impression. I do work the hardest over here, and the right people need to know it, and most importantly I deserve the credit. Why should all those suckers get anything from this place, when I am the only one who deserves it??
And so she started- with how everyone is fed up…everyone wants to leave…nobody like this or that…how she has to do everything on her own…no one comes out to help…how she has to take so much responsibility…so on and so forth to her hearts content!!

When she came out from the cabin she knew all her colleagues will be waiting to know what happened. So, she put on the most flustered and hassled look. When they asked her abt the whole deal, she got to play all sad and display how pathetic they made her feel, the torture she had to endure, and how they forced her to tell the all kinds of nasty stuff even though she didn’t want to… poor thing…and everyone would sympathize with her….

That evening Calypso went out with a bunch of friends. She usually tripped on 2 things; 2-3 large Jack Daniels and the music. Life was just perfect for her; she had gotten to wear the skimpiest dress and got to gyrate her body like a horny teenager against her bf while she enjoyed the feel of his body against hers. The JD gave her just the right high. After the club finally closed she & her boyfriend went home to their little apartment which of course no body knew off.

They were proud of themselves- 2 of them from small cities, they would have never had dreamt of such a thing…dreamt that they would be living in and it would be so cool. Or clubbing or smoking up joints, hanging out with other guys & calling herself a guy, thus making it normal for her to be as crass as was so surreal...Seriously if anyone, from their hometowns, saw what they were doin in the city, it would have created an uproar….

Among all Calypso will do anything to get there (look into blank space with a nostalgic look and say ‘there’) - anything- probably plot for someone’s murder as well….errrie naa…But meanwhile!! Meanwhile…. As we see it, she has already made it big so many other ways, whether it was being a slimy bitch in office or a desperate wanna be outside office, she has made it big in the big city.

Callisto-Life is great!

Callisto’s day was pretty much the simpler.. she did the same things everyday, she would dress up in her best looking skimpy dress, put on an air of arrogance, along with the fake accent, and the artificial ‘sexy’ squeal, and the 'squeal' like moves.

When Calypso was inside her boss's cabin, she was quiet worried waiting outside. So, when Calypso emerged all fustered and hasseled, she realy didn’t know what to expect. She thought Calypso was going to burst out crying any moment. Then she took calypso outside and gave her a glass of water, meanwhile her remaining so called 'close colleagues' joined in.

When Calypso said that, they forced her to tell them, how Callisto didn’t do much work because she didn’t like her boss, Callisto… sympathized with her and tried to cheer her up. “Poor thing” she thought, "they tortured her to till she could make something up…"
When Calypso recounted telling them, how she had to take responsibility for everything and how hard she had to work for everything, because no body worked together, she burst out sobbing and everyone felt guilty and remorse for her…they all could visualize her sitting in an interrogation room being yelled at and tortured, till she said something… that was a scary thought for all of them and they all felt sorry for her. “poor thing” they all thought, "the trauma she must have gone through!!"

"Dumbness" was hence personified, in that office at that time….and Calypso couldn’t be more pleased with herself at the sight of her sympathizing colleagues.

Later that day Callisto was royally lamblasted for being brash with her boss as per the info given by her trusted friend and colleague Calypso…but no worries atleast she was prepared for it(this is what we call looking at the bright side of life)

She got to cry her eyeballs out, and say how everybody took her for granted...and how BLOODY INFURIATING it was for her!! She had worked really hard to get there, after hopping from one place to another, mostly on her defensive and seductive behaviour, she had finally got a job, where she could run around like a headless chicken, and of course pretend to be clever..
But now, she was angry, very angry… the tears was just an added bonus!! All her friends/colleagues gathered around to cheer her up. It had been a tough day…and besides they all got to hold her when she cried… well its something atleast ;)

Callisto was dating this dentist guy, and she got to lash out on him in the most scariest ways possible, and that was the best thing ever!!
Also, as Callisto stayed in a PG, she was answerable to NO ONE!! Another best thing ever!! She can do whatever she wants, with anyone she wants, whenever she wants.. this is the life baby!!
That evening Callisto wanted to go to the club, instead her friends wanted to go for a movie. So Callisto, did wat she did best- she stomped her feet, wiggled her giant head from side to side, throw a mighty tantrum, while all her friends just simply watched and smiled till finally they all agreed.

The club was where she could get her groove on. Show off, how cool she was, while she smoked her cigarette, while she accompanied Calypso with a JD, use language so foul that nobody has ever heard off. She also got a chance to be half dressed with all her bra straps sticking out…and not to mention a boyfriend that she could screw as and when SHE wanted

So Callisto's achievements of making it big as we see it, are many…She is living the life. Life is good for Callisto, she is there...Not for the world, family, good friends and well wishers though….but this was good enough, the rest was not so easy to get...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Juvenile Delinquents- Part 2

So lets get introduced to the remaining 2 characters of this story;

Meet Callisto. She was such a darling… she was a 4yr old trapped in the body of a 26yr old. It was such a marvelous treat… She had it all, the brains, the tantrums & crankiness of a 4yr old, the demands of a 16yr old with the adamancies of a 4yr old, the love handles, the not so sexy hair. Of course, the perfect body with an add-on of 5-10 inches- everywhere… everybody simply adored this, feet stomping, tantrum throwing, demanding, pudgy, Callisto.

If Byron was the little genius, our little darling here was what u call- a lost soul, wandering through the various labyrinths of life, she had done her teachers course, then worked in an institute for a while, then wanted more money so joined another IT firm, then joined another irrelevant firm, till she got lucky and joined a printing company, along with her friend Calypso.
She just loved working there, she would get to make pointers in her little notebook, she would also get to make a timetable- 10am- couple of cigarettes, 11am- update this table, 12pm- think about food over another cigarette, 12:30pm- mayb call up a client, thrown some weight on him, with some attitude and accent, 1pm- eat, 2pm- talk seductively to the boss, 3pm- run around-pretend to work / make more pointers and process to make like seem more complicated.

Her dear friend Calypso was a little different from her. Well, she did do most things like Callisto, but, she had her own bulk agendas. She had a dream of being a production head for a big company. 
But she also knew that, she had just a total experience of 6 months and she understood that, if she had to get that blue collared job, she would need to have atleast some 4yrs exp, and that to, without jumping any jobs quickly. 
So this was the plan. Stick on here, play snitch for her bosses, make herself look good by making others look bad. Finally get that promotion!!
So very cleverly, Calypso believed the saying very much, keep your friends closer but keep ur enemies closer. So she is a sweet snitch who is liked by her all her colleagues.

So, whether it was destiny or what, but these 4 characters were pals, how good or how great, one would really never know.. but they would meet up at the club or where ever they could get their freak on, don’t forget- they were all about reaching there, in any form possible.

So it would be Byron with Calypso and Callisto. Literally, between them, this was a great sight! The Callys would get to play, the dominatrix, and for Byron, that was blissfull fun!! The Callys simply loved the power, they had over him and the not so meek Byron, would very readily comply to their whims and fancies!! 
So the Callys would say ‘Byron sit’ and Byron would sit, they would say ‘Byron eat’ and Byron would eat! It was such a delightful sight, positively it would jerk a tear out of those croc eyes. It was not all about the flirting, since they all had their own boyfriends or girlfriend whom they ruled or play bondage with..

Dante was a man of his own, acutely aware of his surroundings. He wanted to live life and, things could either go with it or not! It really didn’t matter to Dante.
But to the Callys…..!!! tut tut tut…. This lifestyle of his mattered so much to them!!! It was ridiculous! And of course it should!! Think about it…. How could a guy be so care free in life?? How could he not be bothered by any responsibilities?? How could he not be mature enough?? How could he not be considerate enough?? How could he be drinking so much?? How could he talk so much?? How could he not care MORE?? How could he smoke up as and when he wanted??!!

Gosh it just infuriated the Callys....
He had to be more mature, more gentlemanly, more sober, more scared or worried. Afterall, only after ur scared that u start to appreciate things…the fear of losing hence…whatever
And yes, the Callys, had the best solution to all this!!
Dante, must have a girlfriend!!

The girlfriend who will put him down in life. Create boundaries for him. Prevent him from doing what he wants. Stop him from jabbering to much. Threaten whenever she wants, so that he gets scared from time to time. Give him some meaningful(read as -less) responsibilities. Of course, get rid of that ridiculous 'carefree' attitude!! and yes...he does deserve a girlfriend..

( Coming up- A day in their lives, making it big in the big city of dreams!! stay tuned.)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Juvenile delinquents- Part 1

As a beginner in the once upon a time stories, you might not find my stories very sharp. But I sure hope u find it interesting or entertaining in any way. So let me bring to you my very first- once upon a time story… :)

Once upon a time, there was a metro. And, this story, is based about 4 people who live in this metro.
Now-a-days we often hear about people coming from far-off small places, into the big city, to make it big. Bravo! Bravo to them. But in this story we are going to say bravo!!! Especially to these 4 people.

These 4 guys had their own jobs- that on the inside, really deep inside, were very proud of, secretly, deep inside, probably in a secret chamber. Each of their company’s was among the top 5, and yes- paid them handsomely!! Yes…if u cant be proud about one thing lets be proud about the other!!!

So the 1st person we will meet is Byron! Cute and cuddly, from a distance that is, Byron was also from a far off little town, coming to the big city to make it big. Byron had dreams… not just any dreams; he had big dreams, probably bigger than the metro – any metro he had seen.
He had dreams about being a genius!!! A genius in being a sound editor!! No, it was not about owning a company- being the CEO or some big shot. Byron wanted to get down and dirty.

So, Byron with his half-baked dreams of being a, getting-hands-dirty-genius for a kickass company, for a kickass band, left his job as a song writer for the biggies & joined a smaller, way more specific job! Yes... this was a drastic change for little boy wonder here, but, what the hell??? This was it for him, even if it meant- that he had to give up everything- the money, the security, the life, the prospects,e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!!

Being a sound editor was a big thing for him, imagine the sounds he got to delete, the amount he got to learn from the different types of sound to delete was simple amazing for Byron.
So there was Byron, kicking 3 years of experience down the drain only because he was bored and proud.

Then there was Dante, a young fellow, rich dads little boy.
He wanted to make it big on his own. And his big was Big Money!! His motto was easier the better, AS along as it is not hand-me-down!! This little fellow was pricy also!! He had to make the money, as smoothly, with sugar hot bosses who would dote over him, effort that he had to put in only if he liked it.

So Dante worked only for people who understood how precious he was and believed how great he was. He still had a lot to give to the world he believed, yet he was not sure from where or how or even when for that matter.

(hang on and we will meet some more folks in the be contd.)