Monday, August 8, 2011

shit happens...

There should be a really special type of heavenly "hell" for ppl who say - "Shit happens" or "life gives you wat u deserve" or "karma has its way" and some other pot load of more shit!

I mean wat gives??? whats gives you the right to judge and shrug and say " shit happens" and worse- when will u stop saying that over and over again?? And how about coming up with some thing more original... u know, something like... this is fucking shit!! Why don't you drown this shit in some booze or some other detrimental course of action?

I am one those people who is persistently be on the hunt for the answer to the question "why?" no matter what, where, when or how- there is always the underlining question "why?" which very frankly is the only thing that makes sense. If u can have the answer to that question, everything else is just easier. try it..
So, the next time you loose your temper, because things didn't go a certain way, ask yourself the question, "why" - why does it "bother you" so much that it didnt go a certain way, making your loose your temper like that?

So here's the hassle- when there is no actual answer to the question "why"- other than - shit happens and thats all your left gotta wonder, for how long will this happen? where exactly would you draw the line?
I mean at the end of it many things can wrong?? I know, there is no limit but, really there is or rather there has to be a limit to how much!!
how many times will u sit back and accept - shit happens?
Accepted - life can be a real bitch sometimes, but for how long will you be able to sit back and take it? For how long are you going to try to be ok with it? and worst of all- what happens when u snap?
Seriously, whether things went to hell for you once or more than once- what would happen when u snap?

Does one ever then, get an answer of "why did it happen?" Coz, you are honestly fucking kidding yourself when you accepting "shit happens" and trying to move on. As a matter of fact, u never really move-on unless some basic questions are answered or the equations are balanced. frankly the people "moving-on" are really running away rather than dealing with it! its called Karma with a capital B for bitch!

Another baffling thing- when ur fucked, and u wonder things couldnt get worse this than this for you... it actually does find a way to get worse!!...ironically beautiful isnt? And then the chaos just never stops!

So, when is it too much?? and what happens when it cross that "too much" barrier? could it really actually be that your the most screwed up person ever? or really that unlucky?? think abt is insane..