Saturday, July 25, 2009

relationship hassles

friends come first...what about life is the most convenient to u?? well for vica its friends- it was very funny cause her justification to the whole thing is -"surprisingly"- when ur friends with friends u dont need to have any formalitities, norms etc, but when ur in a relationship u need to do these list of things that u dont have to do when ur firends- u have to be extra nice to this person, u need to show that u care, u need to be genuine etc etc. u dont need tobe all that when ur friends- they understand!!
crazy aint it???
so my ans to Vica is - y r u in a relationship in the 1st place?? has anyone pushed u into this?? has any asked u or forced u into that relationship. I mean think about it- of this is such a hassle y r u even in 1???

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