Sunday, May 16, 2010

straighten up she's coming!!

Among the ultra few (good) friends that I have, lemme introduce to you Breanna

On the outside:
She is crazy strict/stern
made of crunch paper- crackling all the time
she is the one who instills fear in the minds of the losers
and completely reliable

On the inside
She is crazy strict
made of crunch paper- crackling all the time
she is the one who instills fear in the minds of the losers
and completely reliable..
Also, the best confidante,
very loving,
completely pure at heart,
very moral driven,
splash of reality in her head,
Pushes you to do great things without even u realizing it..
brings out the best in you or you want to be at your best around her.

We call her fatso (she is a 'o' sized creature), the firang, apart from terminator and Jhansi Ki Rani :)

People who are close to her realize that she is to valuable to loose..even though they may be scared of her :D
For me she has been - even without me realizing it- my pillar and my rock. I will have to admit- this woman has driven me crazy at times- as in literally crazy!!
We used to work together- till she became my boss!! and it was..kinda..bad.. it was like this bad phase completely- for both of us.
What we often discuss is everything- morals, issues, politics, everything, and a good sensible conversation is very stimulating.

Knowing her- U have to wonder how does she pull it off??(all of the above). She makes time for u and u can be yourself around her (in most ways!). She takes sincere effort to understand you, your actions, your words, everything.

So thank you Breanna for being very selflessly- you!!

1 comment:

  1. Sprinkle some Breanna in my life too.. please..!! I could do with some strong-headed craziness!! :P
